Transfer Admissions Process


A group of people sitting at a desk.

是华盛顿州所有独立大学中转校生人数最多的大学, 国外博彩app是完成学位和准备研究生成功的绝佳选择. 有这么多转学申请者,我们会在录取过程中为你提供帮助.

Resources to assist you as you apply include:

  • 友好和敬业的转学顾问随时准备回答您的问题
  • Transfer Admissions Events offered virtually and on campus
  • Comprehensive Transfer Planning Guides to help you plan

How to Complete Your Transfer Application

To Begin, Start Your Application

When you apply to Seattle University, your application will be considered carefully, thoughtfully and holistically.

Begin by creating your account for your admissions portal, where you’ll access the transfer application.

Start Your Application

Transfer Application Deadlines

Transfer Fall Deadlines – to begin classes in September

  • Nursing: Dec 1
  • Diagnostic Ultrasound: Feb 1
  • Priority for all other majors: March 1
  • Final deadline to apply: August 15 

Transfer Winter Deadline – to begin classes in early January

  • November 1

Transfer Spring Deadline – to begin classes in late March

  • February 15

Transfer Summer Deadline – to begin classes in June

  • May 15

Learn more about Transfer Deadlines and Timelines.


  • Completed the application (includes a personal essay question).
  • 所就读学院、大学或专业学校的正式成绩单.
    • 正式成绩单应由签发机构直接发送到招生办公室.
    • 学生也可以通过羊皮纸或国家学生信息中心订购正式成绩单.
  • 少于45个可转换大学学分(30个学期学分)的学生需要正式的高中成绩单。.
  • 如果英语不是你的第一语言/母语之一,需要英语水平证明. This is required regardless of English language studies, academic history, 在美国或其他英语国家居住, or immigration status.
  • A non-refundable application fee of $60 (waivers available).
  • 可选:ACT或SAT报告(可以在你的高中成绩单上列出,也可以通过Common App自我报告). Please note: if you choose to submit test scores, the SAT Essay and ACT Writing sections are not required. SAT学院代码是4695,ACT学院代码是4478.
  • Optional: Official Advanced Placement, 国际文凭或剑桥/A - Level考试成绩到招生办公室.

College of Nursing Application Requirements

Transfer applicants have additional requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Ultrasound Programs.

Submitting Transcripts

正式成绩单是一所学校对你的学习成绩的认证声明. 它包括注册官的签名,并且必须直接来自签发机构, either via mail or electronically.

所有申请国外博彩app的学生都必须提交他们获得或尝试大学学分的所有机构的正式成绩单. 一旦你提交了所有的正式成绩单,我们的招生团队就可以开始他们的审查.

正式成绩单应直接从颁发机构发送, either by mail or by email.

Mailing address:
Seattle University
Admissions Office
901 12th Ave
PO Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090

Submit Application and $60 Fee

当你完成转学申请后,你就可以正式申请国外博彩app了. 如果申请人的申请费用证明是真正的困难,可以要求豁免.

如果你将在华盛顿大学完成副学士学位,则免除学费, Arizona, 加州或俄勒冈州立社区大学入学,并直接转到国外博彩app. 

Additional fee waiver options include:

  • You are active duty military or a veteran
  • 你有兄弟姐妹、父母或祖父母毕业于国外博彩app
  • You are a staff or faculty member at Seattle University
  • You are a member of Phi Theta Kappa


See Where Your Application is in the Review Process

你现在已经申请了国外博彩app,我们正在仔细审查你的申请!  提交申请后,您可以访问 Redhawk Admission Portal,在那里你可以查看所需入学项目的清单.

Submit Additional Materials

After submitting your transfer application, 我们可能会提示您添加整体审查过程所需的其他材料, including updated transcripts, course syllabi, high school transcripts, and more. 

Post-Baccalaureate Information Form

已经获得学士学位的学生需要在他们的红鹰入学门户清单中填写学士学位后表格来完成他们的申请. 在我们的招生团队开始申请审查过程之前,该表格提供了学士学位后学生需要审查和确认他们理解的经济援助和奖学金信息.

Financial Forms


  • 联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)或华盛顿州财政援助申请(WASFA)
  • Declaration of Finances for International Students
  • Bank Statement (International Students)


We’ll reach out if we need more information.

Admissions Notifications 

大多数转学学生将在提交所有必需的入学材料后4周收到录取决定. 秋季申请者将在3月份开始收到决定通知.

热门课程,如超声诊断或护理,将申请人作为一个群体进行审查. Transfers may be asked to submit additional information, such as most recent college grades, 或者解释一下大学课程中断后的活动. 这些请求是继续考虑录取的机会. 

Confirmation Deposits 

从他们的决定通知之日起,秋季转学申请人有30天的时间提交确认存款或到5月1日, whichever is later. Winter, 春季和夏季学期的申请者必须在收到录取通知书后30天内确认 入学, but a confirmation deposit is not required. 

We’re Here to Help

你的招生顾问会在这里支持你的每一步. 有关转学录取过程的问题也可以直接向招生办公室询问.

Admissions Office